Watch our videos
CreaseStream is an award-winning solution to these critical production problems. For the first time, low and medium volume printers can achieve flawless, accurate creasing every time, thanks to our amazingly versatile creasing and micro-perforating machine.
Set up is easy thanks to our popular video tutorials. The slim, instant-play video card comes loaded with step-by-step instructions and common troubleshooting tips. You can rewind, fast forward, pause and replay with ease – no computers or DVD players required.
Set up jobs in just a few minutes
Easily achieve consistent accuracy
Keep up with your press for all production volumes and stock types
Perfect finishing even on certain plastic stocks
Crease and perforate in one pass
Process 65-350gsm without cracking
Easily add trimming and slitting to your processes
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5 questions creasing machine suppliers won’t want you to ask them
Must see videos:
Applying 14,000 creases per hour
We have been developing our machines to try and add extra value to them, and one of the things we have looked to improve is their speed. Watch this video to get an idea for the speeds that are possible using the CreaseStream Auto Plus, can your desktop creasing machine go this fast?